T5 is part of an ongoing process of experimenting with tiles, patterns and emergent forms. It is the most complicated of Orozco Madero's tiling systems. Unlike previous ones, which relied on only a handful of tiles to work, T5 is based on all the possible configurations in which a triangle based tile can match with its neighbours. The actual printing system is based on the movable type printing press. Each one of the triangular tiles are like the letters of some bizarre alphabet, one in which each tile determines its neighbour. The artist calls the creations of its tilings "monsters", perhaps suggesting a connection with the baffling combinations of DNA that are life. The twenty three tiles pale in comparison with the near infinite amount of monsters that they can create, in the same way that four molecules make up for all genetic code, that twenty six characters make up for all written language, that a handful of elements make up the entire known universe.